The Battle of the SeXes challenge this edition was for a meat lover to become a vegetarian for an entire week.
The rules were for one lucky male and female to not consume any meat such as chicken, beef, pork or any type of seafood. This was definitely something that would be a hard battle for me to conquer.
Not being able to eat meat for a week was so difficult for me, but I came up with a plan. I decided that I would replace all of my meat with vegetables and fruit. The bad thing about this plan was that I absolutely hate vegetables. So I decided that my vegetable intake would include french fries, corn chips and carrot cake.
The first day was extremely challenging because every Monday at my house is considered pizza night. While ordering my pizza, I wanted so badly to order the usual large meat lover’s pizza and a two-liter Coca Cola, but I stayed strong and ordered a medium cheese pizza with olives and mushrooms.
Although I didn’t get the pizza that my heart so desired, the cheesy pizza smothered in mushroom and olives wasn’t that bad.
The next day wasn’t as challenging, but it wasn’t a walk in the park, either. At lunchtime, when I’m at work, I always go to Carl’s Jr. and order a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger with Criss Cut fries and a small vanilla milkshake. However, this Tuesday, I ordered Criss Cut fries as my vegetables, a strawberry cheesecake as my fruit and a small Dr. Pepper. For dinner that night, I ate some Chili Cheese Fritos and to counter the soda I had for lunch, I drank a glass of lemonade.
Wednesday was a little bit better than the two days before because I had dance rehearsal from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., so I only ate a chocolate chip granola bar, and I drank two bottles of water so meat really wasn’t on my mind. That night I was so exhausted, I didn’t even bother eating dinner.
On Thursday, all I could think of eating was a delicious hamburger from John’s Burger, but I resisted temptation, and I ate a strawberry milkshake and carrot cake. It wasn’t as good as an avocado burger from John’s, but it was a meal. Dinner consisted of a bag of Ranch Doritos, four cupcakes and grape soda.
That Friday I was kind of sick of eating junk food, and I decided to go on the Internet and find a good healthy vegetarian meal. So I looked and looked and finally found a meal that didn’t consist of tofu and meat substitutes. Dinner for Friday was a spinach and ricotta lasagna. This dish tasted amazing. There was no meat, but it was actually, to my surprise, really good. I am very happy that this challenge is over, and I am proud of myself for not eating meat for five days, but I think if I had gone without meat one more day, I would have started having meat withdrawals. Now that the challenge is complete, I have taken a better look at my food consumption and decided that from this moment on, I will start eating healthier and bring my meat consumption from all day everyday to maybe three times a week.