The Bakersfield College plan known as Renegade 2012 is now referred to as Action 2012.
BC is on a mission to ensure students have every opportunity for success by maintaining focus on the future.
The Renegade 2012 plan was designed by an administrative committee in order to set a model for how things should be, as well as designed so BC could maintain accreditation. “This is something we had to do to keep our accreditation,” said John Gerhold, music professor and president of the Academic Senate.
Now that the outline of standards has been completed, it is time to put the plan into action, hence the new name: Action 2012.
There are seven strategic initiatives each waiting to be addressed. They include student excellence, communication, oversight and accountability, fiscal responsibility, facilities, image and linkages.
Each will be headed up individually by a dean who will meet with the steering committee to discuss which initiative will be highlighted and put into action first. Gerhold wants students to understand that things take time, and they are working hard to see that the initiatives are implemented.
“We are making progress,” said Gerhold.
Gerhold also encourages students to speak out if they have any concerns, ideas or solutions to problems regarding BC.
Students should either contact the Student Government Association or contact the BC president, Greg Chamberlain, via e-mail to make their voices heard.
“Now is the time for students to voice their opinions while we are getting ready to put the plan into action,” said Gerhold.
2012 plan will address issues
November 6, 2008