Bakersfield College’s SGA organized a campus wide canned food and toy drive from Nov. 17-Dec. 2.
According to SGA student senator Kenneth Whitchard, SGA partnered with BC’s CalWORKS and CARE to collect canned food donations and toys to distribute to local needy families this holiday season.
These three BC programs weren’t the only ones contributing, though. SGA encouraged complete campus participation. “Every department, every club, any student or teacher can contribute,” said Whitchard.
SGA had support from several departments including Admissions, Allied Health, DSPS, Behavioral Science, Counseling and the library.
An average of 100 cans were donated each day. By Nov. 26, SGA had collected 743 cans from campus participants.
As of Dec. 1, 910 cans and 23 toys were donated, and the departments with the most donations were Admissions and Allied Health.
According to Whitchard it was neck and neck between Admissions and Allied Health throughout the food drive. “Admissions had 323 cans and Allied Health had 284,” said Whitchard.
This food drive doesn’t only help feed local needy families. A prize of up to $1,000 will be awarded for the club or department that donates the most cans by Dec 2.
According to student worker Trixie Hernandez, this was SGA’s first canned food drive. “This is the first year SGA is doing this. It was Kenneth’s idea, and SGA approved,” said Hernandez.
Whitchard, who was in command of the food drive, already made a total of nine deliveries. “Since it started, I’ve made deliveries every day. I count them and take them to CalWORKS and CARE,” said Whitchard.
Cans remaining after Thanksgiving will not be wasted. SGA has plans for the leftovers. “Any cans after this point can be given to the Bakersfield Homeless Center,” said Whitchard. “We will do what seems fit. We can make Christmas baskets.”
BC students collect cans for people in need
December 3, 2008