Bakersfield College’s annual Career Day took place on April 1 and was hosted by BC’s Job Placement department and the Kern County Broadcasters Association.
Job Development Specialist Meghan Holland said the day was an overall success.
“It went good. But it was a little smaller than last year. We had about half of the employers,” Holland explained.
In 2008, Career Day hosted 140 businesses that had job openings or information on career opportunities. This year, only 70 businesses were able to participate in the yearly event due to the ongoing economic downfall.
Holland said that there were 96 job interviews.
Many employers are looking to fill positions or are there to give students the information they need to work toward a career with a certain company.
“They fill most of their jobs,” Holland said, “It’s always successful for them.”
Unlike previous years, Career Day took place outside the Campus Center and within the Fireside Room and the cafeteria.
Due to a construction hole in the Campus Center, the vendors did not have the opportunity to be under the awning that the area provides.
There was talk about moving the event outside, and Holland said that the weather was nice enough for the employers to stay outside.
Even though there were fewer businesses, Holland was satisfied with Career Day. “The day was successful,” Holland said.