Formerly, Bakersfield College’s Club Week was held during the second week of a semester’s initial start. However, Reg Autwell, in his new role as the student government director of clubs, has moved the event to a later date to encourage clubs to prepare with a two-week gap.
Club Week will officially be taking place this semester in the free speech area on campus on Sept. 16-18, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Autwell hopes the set up will be better and more convenient overall, and also aims to bring advisers and club presidents to the tables. The date will also coincide with Constitution Day, which they have featured on their flyers that also read, “Come learn about clubs, organizations, and activities at Bakersfield College!”
When asked what he believed the significance of joining a club was, Autwell responded, “You have college and then you have students, and the clubs are what’s in the middle.” And added, “And I do count sports!”
He believes that student participation is integral to the college experience and hopes that events like Club Week will help students find their niche.
“Clubs and organizations are about a group of people getting together and promoting something within their club,” he said.
If students have any more questions or require further guidance, Autwell encourages them to stop by his office, which is located in Campus Center 4.
“I like the role because it gives me the opportunity to meet the clubs on campus,” said Autwell. “I’m a social person.”
Although students on campus may not share the director of clubs’ enthusiasm, Autwell believes that there is a club for everyone and hopes Club Week will be a successful milestone in proving that this semester.