BC Students Pick Up Their Brushes for Paint The Night Away
October 31, 2022
Students painted under the stars Oct. 19 as part of BCs array of events for Homecoming week. The event provided a Bob Ross style art instruction as students followed the art instructor’s recreation of the canvas centered around this year’s homecoming theme, “Renegade Fever” but were encouraged to take as many liberties and inspirations necessary during the painting process.

As you will see in this issue’s collection of photos, most followed the homecoming prompt, while many took liberties and experimented with their pieces, and some even went off the beaten path completely to create something uniquely inspired from themselves.
The entrance fee was 20 dollars but for students with a BCSGA Student Services sticker were able to participate at a discounted rate of $5, and this provided all paints, supplies, and refreshments including baked macaroni with toppings and lemonade.

The event is thanks to and provided by BC’s Office of Student Life and Brush & Blush Easel Events, a program dedicated to providing fun and relaxing painting events for all ages. They also host events with other art mediums such as food and resin around Bakersfield.