Bakersfield College had its first Campus Rush Fair on Wednesday, Jan. 25, in which all BC students had the opportunity to learn about the different resources that BC offers for each of its students so that they can be successful in their time at school.
The students who attended the activity had the opportunity to learn about each of the different organizations that BC has for them, and not only were there organizations present, but there were also a few career programs present as well.
“I think that these types of events are very good for students because there are many who do not know the different resources that BC has, for example, many do not know what the student life office is,” said Aurelio Prieto.
There are many times that students only look at the offices but do not know what purpose they serve, and this type of event helps them.
“This event is very good for the students because the students realize all the different resources and that many of them don’t know,” said Liliana Prieto.
Every semester there are many new students at BC, and it is an excellent way for them to realize that BC has help for each of them.
“This event is a very important event for all new students and for students in general because many times, students pass by the office and don’t know what it is, and after you talk to them, they say, “OMG! I have been here for a year, and I had never heard of it.’” Keyla Tamayo said. Sometimes students just look at the offices and don’t know the resources it has for them.
“Sometimes there are students who are shy and who look at our expressions, so we take the initiative to start the conversation and talk to them about our program,” Tamayo said, she also encourages students to not be shy and to ask about the different programs that are ultimately in place for them.
Events like the Campus Rush Fair give BC students the chance to learn more about all of the different resources that BC has for them.