After interviewing 10 Bakersfield College professors on the subject of disruptive students on campus, eight said they have never encountered a disruptive student.
Two of the professors stated that they have not been on campus long enough to have such an emotional reaction from a student.
Only two of the 10 professors admitted to having students disrupting their class.
Rosa Garza, a history professor, encountered students who would sit in the back of her class talking and socializing with their friends.
“Some of the students have no discipline, understanding of the learning process, are not serious about education, and are on campus because they have no other place to go,” she said.
“The disruptive students are immature, selfish, and have no concept of the learning process that is being disrupted by their actions.”
Garza’s most outrageous incident was two students who were going to fight each other because of a verbal disagreement.
Garza’s solution for curtailing disruptions in the classroom is to list the do’s, don’ts and the consequence in the syllabus for students who talk, fight and use cell phones.
Pam Boyles, professor of English, has encountered students known for “hogging” space.
“They like to answer all the questions and to be first, and then we have the attention getter who would stick two pencils up his nose,” she said.
Boyles also said problems are sometimes caused by “first-year students not knowing how to act, because they are immature, and there is no bell system on campus to guide them; these are the students who are causing minor disruptions.”
Disruptive students
February 15, 2006