Student Development is a class that deals with the career of the student and the policies of the college, as they are stated in the college catalog.
Student Development is a graduation requirement for students, yet many students do not know this.
As soon as a student comes to BC, it should be advised that they take this class during their first semester.
According to Hoolyse Davajian, a counselor in Student Services, there are eight classes that are available to the students that they may take and they only have to take one to meet the requirement.
The state will not allow Bakersfield College to mandate the class, but all BC students should be made aware that they do need to take Student Development. BC students should know the policies of the college so they won’t feel left out or uninformed.
Barbara Braid has taught the class from 2000-2007, and said that one of the primary goals for the students when they take the class is to allow them to change their major without seeing a counselor.
Braid also said, “some students wish they had taken the class their first semester.” Two examples of the classes are STDV B1, which is mainly for students who have made up their minds about their career goals and are unlikely to change their minds.
STDV B2 has the same information as STDV B1 but is for people who are undecided about career goals.”When students have a set goal they are more motivated to stick with a plan,” Davajian said.
Goals of the student education plan are to give students a roadmap through college and help them take proper classes that fit their needs.
Developing the plan is another requirement of student development. Information about the student education plan and taking Student Development is available through counselors at BC’s Student Services Center.