Local artist and former art student of Bakersfield College, Pattie Doolittle, now devotes her time to what she loves doing.
Doolittle spent the last 30 years as a professional hairdresser, and it has only been within the last five years she was able to resume her passion for creating art.
“I have always enjoyed drawing as a child; it’s a passion,” said Doolittle.
Doolittle, a realistic contemporary artist, produces works to include portraits of people and animals with the use of lots of color.
One form of inspiration comes from the group Doolittle and her husband belong to. The Mojave Muleskinners does re-enactments of the 18th century.
Doolittle also enjoys taking photographs of people, which she then turns into a painting.
“I enjoy taking photographs of people because there is so much character you are able to capture,” said Doolittle.
Doolittle was also greatly inspired by former professor Clayton Rippey, who taught her about acrylics.
Doolittle takes workshops enabling her to continue learning and growing as an artist.
Her art may be found in several galleries around town and she is the featured “artist of the month” at Dagney’s Coffee Co., which is located at 1600 20th St.
“The art of portrait is literally thousands of years old and continuously evolving. My goal as an artist is to tell a story about the subject and capturing the essentials of the personality as well as the likeness,” said Doolittle.
For additional photos of Doolittle’s art visit www.pattiedoolittle.com
Former BC art student’s work in local gallaries and Dagny’s
September 23, 2008