Dawn Swidorski is a relationship expert and is ready to answer all of Bakersfield College students’ questions on Feb. 10. Swidorski and her partner Ken Christensen will speak at the Fireside Room and are hosted by Project Voyager, a mentoring program from BC. According to Swidorski, college students do not know the proper “dating script” and only know the “hook-up script.”
Once the student graduates from college and goes out to the real world, he or she tends to fail at a proper relationship because of his or her “hook-up script.”
“Hearts are at risk,” said Swidorski. “Our key goal is to show couples they can have a healthy relationship.”
Some of the basic subjects Swidorski will discuss involve respect, trust, and friendship, how a relationship is done and how to have a good long-term relationship. She will also be discussing topics such as: How to know if you are ready for a relationship? What are you looking for? What will you get out of the relationship? How to ask someone out? When do you have your first kiss? It was questions like these that came up when Swidorski discovered that students did not know the basics of a relationship.
“It’s complicated and a lot of people don’t think through their relationships. It’s really tough to put yourself out there,” said Swidorski.
Because Valentine’s Day is near, Swidorski and Christensen will give some time tips on romantic dates with low cash. Christensen is a romantic, which is directed to give males more ideas on how to have a perfect picnic, a romantic drive, a romantic love note and how to keep it romantic in the long run. According to Swidorski, both genders could benefit from these tips. “We are here to reduce the stress and increase the fun,” said Swidorski.
Project Voyager helps mentoring, developing student skills, career development and community scholar transcripts. Project Voyager also plans other events. Field trips are being planned for every month of the spring semester. Three events are being planned for Black History Month this month. The Project Voyager office is in Campus Center 3. The phone number is 395-4277.