This year’s Health and Wellness fair is the tenth annual and is being put on by Debra Strong, resgistered nurse at the Bakersfield College Student Health Center, and partners including Mercy and Memorial hospitals.
On May 6, at 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., booths are going to be set up from different health and medical organizations such as California Family Health Council, HealthSouth, Medical Board of California and National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Strong said that the fair is to promote healthy lifestyles and healthy choices by educating people. Strong also said that she was a strong advocate for educating about physical and mental health because mental health problems are on the rise here at BC and in Kern County.
“There was a coordinator here before me that put on the fair, but I have been doing it since I arrived here in ’99,” Strong said. The booths that will be set up in the grassy area in front of the Campus Center will be giving away free literature on different topics, and there will be free blood pressure, blood sugar, glucose and cholesterol tests.
Bakersfield Police Department will be there with goggles that gives the feeling of driving and being under the influence. BPD worked in association with STEP Inc. DUI prevention.
In-Shape Health Clubs will be on campus giving free body fat and body mass measuring along with giving away free towels and sunscreen. Students will be offered free skin tests by the Mercy Plaza Respiratory.