Bakersfield Celtic Music Festival is an event for the Scottish, Irish, and public community to enjoy traditional Celtic music. It happened on October 4th and 5th.
There were scotch tastings and small businesses that set up tents selling Celtic goods.
Jessica Luetger and her fiancé Donald Reimer, both 18, were selling BJ’s Lavender & Herbs, another local business on Wible Road. Luetger said, “We just kind of sell herbs with medicinal uses.” Lavender oils, recipes, medicinal teas, and even lavender salts and sugars under their tent.
Beth Rafferty of Phoenix & Crow was at the even selling jewelry of Celtic symbols. The Celtic Knot, which comes in many designs, represents the soul that has no beginning and no end. The Dragon symbolizes protection. The Pentagon also offers protection, symbolizing fire, earth, air, wind, water, and spirit at the top. Phoenix & Crow,” symbolizes me, my lifestyle, my belief system, astrological, and all us connected to the old Celtic ways.”
Phoenix & Crow will have a tent set up at The Kern County Scottish Gathering and Games. “I do it every year,” Raafferty says.
Mark your calendars for March 23, 2013 at the Kern County Fairgrounds. The games will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ceilidh, a gathering that involves folk music and often times, storytelling, will start at 6 p.m. and go until 10 p.m.
Scotch, kilts and culture: CSUB hosts local Celtic Music Festival
Cindy Hernandez, Reporter
October 9, 2013