Job resource for BC students
A Jobspeaker banner displayed in the Family and Consumer Education building at BC.
January 24, 2019
A new resource is available to Bakersfield College students in search of employment. Jobspeaker is a mobile application available on iPhone and Android devices where students can set up multiple personal profiles similar to LinkedIn, and can build the profile specific to the job they want.
The jobs are available on and off campus, and are also listed in relation to a student’s major or certification program.
Once a profile is created one can make an appointment to see a CTE advisor in FACE 16. There advisors like Jessica McGrath, Dominica Dominguez, and Stephanie Baltazar are available to review resumes and offer counsel to increase the likelihood of employment. Appointments with advisors are recommended however walk-ins are welcomed.
Another resource available on Jobspeaker is a ledger of local companies seeking to employ BC students exclusively.
Also, an events page holds a list of employment related events on campus and around Bakersfield. Once applied a student’s profile will show all of their current applications and correspondence.
When asked about Jobspeaker, McGrath explained, employers find the app is user friendly and easy to use. McGrath said, “I haven’t had anyone come back with negative feedback so far.”
The CTE office also organized workshops on every Monday where a job development specialist will be present. Outside of the CTE office there is a Jobspeaker Lab in FACE 11 with a student employee always present and ready to assist. The lab also includes a printer for students to print copies of their resumes and a hygiene station for upcoming interviews.