Army brings STEM truck to BC campus
February 21, 2019
The future has arrived as the US Army is already making advancements in robotic technology for the benefit of the military’s protection. The US Army STEM truck was parked at the Huddle at Bakersfield College for students to walk in and learn about the robotic technology on Feb. 19.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

The back of the STEM truck looks similar to an arcade for people to volunteer to help SARAH out of the dangerous situations in the game.
“Our STEM truck is our national asset. The two drivers are both recruiters and drive nationwide, stopping on campuses, schools, and big public events to show off some of the aspects that the Army has,” US Army Sergeant Everett J. Enstine said. “This truck is oriented around the more robotic research and development….Robots that can carry gear for troops that are in the field.”
Inside the truck is a dark space with lit up screens all around. The process one of the drivers had was to have students watch a video about their robot called SARAH which stands for “Search And Rescue Autonomous Hardware.” SARAH possesses drones and chemical suppressor spray to protect workers.
“SARAH was developed as a multi-use unmanned vehicle specifically outfitted for navigating environment to dangerous for Army personnel and for performing complex tasks,” the narrator of the video explained.
Once the video concludes, the driver walks into the back of the truck where there are four monitors set up that have four different screens for each one.
The monitors are games where one can control the robot SARAH in different situations by tracing patterns on the screen and placing pieces where they need to go.
Everyone received a score at the end to see how well they ranked for leading SARAH through harmful environments.
Outside, a booth was set up where students can learn information on the US Army in general and about the STEM truck, of course.
“We are local recruiters here in Bakersfield and we’re here to answer any questions anyone has about what the Army is, what the Army can provide, and how the Army can help them get to their goals,” Enstine said.
Enstine encouraged students to visit the US Army website on information for jobs in technology, human resources, science, business, medical, and much more.