8-1 win against Victor Valley College
March 15, 2019
Bakersfield College’s women’s tennis team is now 9-1 on the season after beating Victor Valley College (VVC) 8-1 on home court. VVC was short several girls resulting in defaulting three of their matches, two single’s matches and one of the double’s matches.

Gabby Padilla from Victor Valley College (left) and Bakersfield College’s Paige Darstein (right) shake hands after playing a tennis single’s match March 7.

Leslie Pineda moves to hit the ball in a double’s match against Victor Valley College.

Jacqlyn Zavala (forefront) and Zoe Butter (back) play Vanessa Hundric and Lolli Gonzalez (not pictured) from Victor Valley College in a tennis double’s match.

Zoe Butter (left) and Jacqlyn Zavala (right) play against Victor Valley College on March 7.

Jacqlyn Zavala goes in for the ball against Victor Valley College March 7.

Katelyn Wernhart (forefront) runs to hit the ball with Leslie Pineda (back) waiting prepared.