David Schein presents his book, “Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures”
October 13, 2021
The Renegade Institute for Liberty at Bakersfield College hosted David Schein, a professor and associate dean at the University of St. Thomas in Huston, on Oct. 11, as he presented his book, “The Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures.”
In the speech he gave insight into past presidents, political failures, and his ideas on how we should move forward in America. “The Decline of America: 100 Years of Failure” by Schein is seen differently between Democrats and Republicans, as he teeters the line between them and disembarks his opinion on past presidents.
Making noticeable calls of how things were done and how they were far worse, Schein called both former presidents Roosevelt and Wilson, racist. Before he remarked, “Jimmy Carter was a decent person, but an awful president.”
Schein then shed light upon newer presidents and their faulty affiliations, mentioning names such as Clinton and Epstein to Trump and his cabinet member selection.
Calling it the decline of the “American Empire,” beginning shortly after World War 1, he notes all the wars which had been failures and the mistakes made besides that with other foreign powers. Covering pivotal points in the last century such as the Korean War, Vietnam War, and the last war won in his eyes, Operation Desert Storm.
Schein went over the smaller details which are missed so frequently, by going into depth and explaining how in certain moments America could’ve won but decided not to. Schein stated, in Korea, Douglas Macarthur proved to Truman that with willpower they could win, yet Truman decided otherwise to present themselves as non-hostile for the U.N.
Schein was vocal about his views. He stated the mistakes in current news and its decline since the ’70s, while also sharing what he believes would work to reestablish the “American Empire.” With ideas such as reforming the electoral system while also extending terms, more control at the borders, better control of national debt, and further reform within state and national governments.
Lastly, with moving forward Schein shared ideas of new political parties and how we should move forward internationally, coming back in and only conserving the troops for actual war. Ending with possibilities of new political parties such as an African-American political party, LGBTQ party, and potentially others.