Renegade Roundtable: What’s the point of college?
March 7, 2022

Whether some claim that the point of college is employment or an extension of education, there are many factors to consider when the point of going to college is brought into question. The Renegade Round Table, hosted by Reggie Williams, along with other faculty, discussed the subject through their webinar event on Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
Through Zoom, Williams hosted the event and brought in four other faculty members, David Moton, Joe Saldivar, Llamas F. Javier, and Savanna Andreas-Jones. Williams mentioned that his focus towards bringing other faculty members into the conversation is so that there are different perspectives and diverse opinions towards sociopolitical issues that would be mentioned in the conversation.
Moton begins the conversation by stating “I think the number one reason everyone goes to college anymore is just for employment.” He mentioned that aside from employment, the other option would be just for the idea of general education, but he states that most people generally dismiss that detail.
Andreas-Jones pointed out that although many believe that college is the path to finding employment, she states that not everyone has the opportunity to attend college, and because of that, “[she thinks] that it creates a stigma towards blue-collar jobs when they’re sometimes more important in some cases than white-collar jobs that colleges usually cater to.”
Moton brought up that he had found that there is a myth towards the belief of people being able to end up with a high-paying job after graduating college. He added into what Andreas-Jones claimed about people who do not go to college, and stated that there are always going to be opportunities for employment and by 18 and 19 years old, the individual is “set up.”
Through the end of the conversation, everyone mentioned that college is a great way to obtain an education and find employment. There are several complications to consider with how people are able to attend college such as financial issues.
The Renegade Round Table is set to have another conversation online around the month of April, just before students go on Spring Break. It will include the same panelists, but the topic of the conversation will be different.