Kimmie Durham is a local, 34-year-old, self-identified witch. Practicing witchcraft since 7, she shared her experience in person at Healthy Hippie Trading Co.
Marcia Ohlman is a local spiritual seeker, noting that she must have been a witch in a previous lifetime. She offers tarot readings at the Enchanted Cottage
Historically, witchcraft had brought together women into groups referred to as covens. In many lifetimes before now, when being suspected of witchcraft was enough to execute someone, the power of numbers was lifesaving.
While society no longer executes those who practice witchcraft, the importance of community never went away.
What has practicing witchcraft taught you about female friendships and sisterhood?
Ohlman explained, “There is a lot of jealousy involved in female friendships – there is still the pervasive idea of limited abundance instead of limitless abundance. It can be very competitive. But when women work together in unity – there is nothing as powerful. There is still a lot of work to be done on universal sisterhood in my estimation.”
Durham noted, “Well, I think it’s super important to have a basic support system of other females, especially since we’re in the midst of the Divine Feminine right now. I think it’s taught me to really have that important aspect of community. When we work together, there’s not much we really can’t do.”
The modern-day witch has a different context than it did in the past. With the existence of modern medicine, the focus for the majority has turned into spiritual healing rather than physical aid.
How has your witch identity or witchcraft practice impacted your life for the better?
Ohlman wrote back, “In these times, I see the rise of the ‘Divine Feminine’ and I am very glad. I love seeing women coming into their power. The young women are no longer settling for unequal partnerships in marriage or otherwise. It will take time but I imagine a day when misogyny is gone. Societies are stronger when there is equality between the sexes.”
Durham said, “I feel that it’s given me more confidence in life to just be myself and know I’m a strong person.”