Bakersfield College Performing Arts Department’s.
is returning once again, marking the 4oth anniversary of this beloved festival. Mark your calendars and get ready to be stunned by the mischievous and melancholy that makes Shakespeare’s work so beautiful to witness.

Performances will be held in all three theaters in the Edward Simonsen Performing Arts Center. Three performances will be held including two Shakespearean classics such as ‘Hamlet’ directed by Cody Ganger and Steph Hankinson, and ‘Twelfth Night’ which is directed by Randall Messick who is founder of Shakespeare Festival. Along with an affecting play Liliana Padilla’s ‘How to Defend Yourself’ directed by Maya Blackstone.
“Whether you’re a seasoned Shakespeare buff, or you’ve never seen a Shakespeare play and you think it’ll be old-fashioned or boring or hard to understand– I really encourage you to come see these productions. Twelfth Night is the best version of a classic Shakespearean comedy. It’s exciting and funny– you’ll have a great time! And our Hamlet is unlike any other. This production of Hamlet is a very contemporary take on the classic play, with a female Hamlet, male Ophelia, and other major changes that make the play new and exciting, whether you’re familiar with the play or its brand new to you!” said Cody Granger, director and professor for Bakersfield College Performing Arts Department.
The festival will kick off starting October 2 with the starter play being ‘Twelfth night’. Tickets are available on the Bakersfield College website when you press the community tab, along with tickets that should lead you to the list of productions.
Ticket prices are expected to be $15 general admission, although students’ staff and faculty prices will be discounted to $10. Although prices can be subject to change. Children under eight years old will not be permitted to attend the show.

‘Twelfth Night’ kicking off the festival will be showing Oct 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, With Hamlet following along with showings Oct 3 ,5, 6, 9, 11, 13. Finally with showings of Liliana Padilla’s ‘How to Defend Yourself’ which will be showing Oct 17-20, all four days. Each show will begin at 7:30pm, there will be food and refreshments for purchase on campus.
Audience members are encouraged to and advised to park in the p3 parking space, although ticket holding audience members may be asked to buy a parking pass.