Bakersfield College (BC) offers all sorts of resources for all students, especially for those who are veterans. On Wednesday Nov. 13, BC held the “Veterans Fest”. The event itself celebrated veterans and provided information and resources booths for students.
“The Veteran Fest is our annual event here on Bakersfield College. It’s hosted by the Veteran Resource Center, and what it’s for is to celebrate all veterans that had served in the United States military and those who are in active duty. It’s our way of saying thank to these folks for what they’ve done and their sacrifices. And to encourage and to bring resources to the campus to encourage them to seek the services that they need to reach out to,” said Jenny Frank, director of the Resource Center and who facilitated the event.
“We want to meet them where they are at, so by bringing in resources to them, we can connect to them at the same time and celebrate them and give a free piece of pizza and play some music that’s familiar to them. It’s allowing them to enjoy the day and to know that they are appreciated is really what it’s all about.”
When walking around, a majority of the booths had information about resources. For example, the Native American Student Support & Success Program (NASSP), gave students information about future events they have to offer such as medicine bags and beaded earring making. Johana Solis, a booth runner at the event shared that Vet Fest gives important resources to veterans.
“I think it’s great to honor those who served in our country. It’s an opportunity to highlight them and to give them resources. I have family who are veterans, and they’re struggles go very unseen, so I think this is a great way to advocate for them,” said Solis.
Many of the booths offered fun games, treats, student resources, and live music for everyone to enjoy. The live music was performed by the BC’s band and veteran band. The Veterans Hall hosted a scavenger hunt for students to go around and receive a free piece of pizza when finished.
Sergent Guillermo Sanchez who helped in the Army Recruitment booth mentions how BC organized a well-coordinated event and hosted a nice event that honor veterans greatly.