The Renegade Nexus Pantry Farmers Market took place Tuesday, March 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. near the outdoor theater at Bakersfield College (BC) main campus. The assortments of fresh produce, frozen meats, premade snacks and more were available for students at BC, but as well as Kern County community members. The only requirement to pick up produce was to bring an item to receive food such as a reusable bag, a small cart, or even a wagon.

Speaking with the department assistance for basic needs, Rebecca Newton said, “We get an assortment of food through the Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK). We also receive snacks from Hunger Not Food… month to month it varies… CAPK dropped off this morning at 7:45 then we started processing it and we opened up the line to start moving at 10.”
Newton also stated those who work the event were from the basic needs department, the office of student life, or volunteers, which could be students or community members.
Speaking with Kern residents who were in line, many expressed this variety of food helps them in many ways. Gabriele Sanchez said, “I’m cooking every day for my family, I love this farmers market this has helped a lot, especially [with] what’s going on in the economy. It does and I’m grateful. It helps you save money, say you go to the store, I don’t have to worry about some stuff because I already have it. It does help you. This is a blessing.”
Melissa Martinez, someone who had just received their food explained, “I like to meal prep, I think it helps a lot to get started. I got cabbage, broccoli, kale, potatoes, tangerines and oranges. I see I received some guac and I’m really excited. The kale for smoothies and then broccoli for steamed veggies too. I’d say it saves you from a grocery trip, especially for the produce part.”
Newton shared these pantry farmers markets are held on the third Tuesday of each month with the next one schedule for Tuesday, April 15 from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Don’t forget your bag.