If you think you are paying too much for college, try being an international student. International students will be asked to pay $2,736 per semester, starting this fall.
“Students are not aware of what is happening,” said Shohreh Rahman, BC’s international student counselor.
“International students do not receive any type of financial assistance from the Financial Aid (Office).”
Foreign students currently pay $149 per unit. This will increase to $210 per unit. Students also will pay a resident fee of $18, which brings the cost to $228 per unit this fall.
The students are required by law to take a minimum of 12 units, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
“I’m very disappointed, it’s a huge increase. I would expect this from a university, but not a community college,” said Artee Ladwa, a student from London.
It can cost $2,736 per semester for international students to attend BC, plus another $15,000 for car insurance, gas and off-campus living in a year, according to Rahman.
This money goes to the community, she maintains. Yet the students on visa are allowed to work on campus only 19 hours per week, and that is if campus jobs are available to them.
“International students are very motivated. They may have language barriers, but they are very strong in their math and science skills and are eager to learn,” Rahman said.
“I have seen, throughout the last 20 years, great people come into this country and have gone back to become somebody in their own country. That’s how they educate people.”
Rahman says the number of international students who come to BC will drop, which means American students will miss an opportunity to be exposed to other cultures.
International Dinner
The Intercultural Students Association will host its 21st annual International Dinner at 6:30 p.m. May 6 in the cafeteria. The program features traditional costumes, music and ethnic foods. Tickets cost $10 general admission and $8 for students and are available in the Student Activities Office. Proceeds go to international student scholarships.