There are many ranges of Bakersfield College students’ reactions to the election.
There are ranges of emotions concerning voter machine malfunction, calling politicians frauds, bond measures being passed or not passed, and fear of one political party overwhelming the other.
After the last election of voter machine irregularities, it seems that people are still experiencing problems.
According to BC student Nicole Haubi, “The lines were very long. The new machines made me repeat my selections over and over again. However, I am happy that Arnold won; I think he is doing a good job.”
The environmentalists are upset that people don’t understand what it meant to have the bond measure 87 defeated. “I’m disappointed. Measure 87 would have made the oil industry pay for the mess they are making of our environment. However, I am excited about the Democrats taking over,” said BC student Julia Barraclough.
Although Kern County seems to be a red county, many of the students were not pleased with the re-election of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Although four of the students interviewed didn’t vote, they complained about Schwarzenegger’s re-election. According to BC student Laina Hughes, “I’m happy with everything except Schwarzenegger winning; he’s a liar.”
Agreeing with Hughes, BC student Enrique Martinez said, “I’m glad that Parra won. She is good for our community.
The Democrats taking over is a good thing. I’m sorry that Arnold got back in.”
There was a sense of the need to turn the country into a new direction, according to many of the interviewed students.
BC student Andrea Duran said, “Everyone I voted for won. Our nation could use a change. It was a pretty good idea, Pelosi being Speaker of the House.”
“If we had some real serious candidates, there would be more people voting. Get rid of the fraud and corruption and get some real people,” said BC student Samuel Bautista.
There is a mood that many of the issues addressed made a lot of the female students very happy.
According to BC student Renee Wilson, “I’m very happy that measure 85 was defeated.
We don’t need to see women going into the back alleys seeking abortions. I’m happy about the first woman Speaker of the House, and I’m happy the Democrats are back in control.”
However, BC student Theresa Story’s focus was on how well her generation did in turning out to vote.
“There were 10 million voters under the age of 30. A great turnout for the younger population. I’m glad that the governor was re-elected; it will be good for the economy.”
There was only one person interviewed who expressed fear and anxiety of the takeover of the House and the Senate.
“It is scary that the Democrats have taken over. I believe in homeland security.
People have forgotten about 9/11. I lost my husband in Vietnam, and I almost lost my son in Kuwait. I hate to think that they have fought in vain. People have no idea what it takes to keep us secure.
The Democrats will do everything they can to go against Bush’s wishes to stay in Iraq.
I would rather that we fight them there than fight them here,” said BC student Christine Effinger.
BC happy with election
November 22, 2006