Toddler Samuel Griffin cried in anticipation of what he knew was inevitable as he stood with his mom Jamie Sherman outside of the First 5 California’s free immunizations mobile clinic.
First 5 California began in 1998 when Proposition 10 was passed, which added an additional 50-cent tax to cigarettes, and the funds are distributed throughout California’s 58 counties.
First 5 in Kern County provides several critical services to young children and their families through a system of health, education and other child care programs. One of those services is providing free vaccines against all childhood preventable diseases.
“Our goal is to have every child up to date on their immunizations,” said Irma Lopez, LVN for San Joaquin Community Hospital, who has partnered with First 5 Kern.
The free clinics are held three to four times a week in Bakersfield and outlying areas of Kern County such as Taft, Lamont, Wasco and other remote areas. Usually the mobile clinic is stationed at a popular shopping outlet’s parking lot for three hours as families gather with their children for the free immunizations.
“It’s great for those that actually take advantage of it,” said Sherman, who recently moved between counties and whose insurance has not transferred over.
According to Lopez, the program is not simply aimed at helping lower-income families but any parent who may need the additional help.
“We’re reaching out to the entire community, not just the low-income families. We just stress the importance of having these immunizations.” Although the program is most popular among the infant and pre-kindergarten age group, the clinic immunizes children up to 18 years of age. Some of the vaccines the clinic also offers are the flu vaccine and the Human papillomavirus vaccine for young girls, which aides in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Lopez said since this vaccine is not a requirement to enter schools, parents who wish to have their daughters protected have to pay out of pocket. “This series of shots could add up to over $300,” Lopez said.
According to Lopez, the immunization program has so far helped 30,000 children in Kern County this year. “And another lump sum since then,” she said.
For more information and for a complete calendar of upcoming clinics, contact Lopez at 661-869-6740.
Immunization dates:
Oct. 23
County Fair Market, 10415 Main Street (parking lot), Lamont, 9-noon
Oct. 27
NOR Neighborhood Place Riverview Park, 434 Willow Dr. (parking lot), Bakersfield, Noon-3
Oct. 28
Save Mart Supermarkets, 2325 State Hwy (parking lot), Wasco. 9-noon
Oct. 29
Vallarta Supermarket, 5951 Niles Street (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 2
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Community Health Fair, 601 E. California Ave, 9-3
Nov. 3
Sports Authority, 4821 Ming Avenue (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 5
Walgreens, 40 Chester Avenue (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 6
Wal-Mart, 2300 White Lane (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon- 3
Nov. 11
Wal-Mart, 8400 Rosedale Hwy (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 12
Kern County Dept. of Human Services, 100 E. California Ave., (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 13
Wal-Mart, 2601 Fashion Place (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 17
Ranch Market, 2705 So. H Street (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 18
Ideal Pharmacy, 9905 So. Union (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 24
NOR Neighborhood Place Sears Park, 444?Norris Road (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3
Nov. 26
Vallarta Supermarket, 5951 Niles Street (parking lot), Bakersfield, noon-3