The Delano Campus committee, also known as the Delano SGA, has not had its constitution approved but has had some events through the months of March through May.
In late March, the group had its Cesar Chavez Blood Drive.
In April, the group had a student orientation day and also its very first Spring Fling event. On April 17, high school students were able to register for classes, learn about EOPS, learn about financial aid, and about the possible Delano student government. According to the DSGA “the event was a huge stress-reliever for students.”
Though the student orientation was a campus event, the DSGA did their first official event with a budget of $2,500. The Spring Fling began on April 20 and ended on the 23rd. “On Thursday (23rd) it was a big hit,” said Dannie Genel the event coordinator. “We even had staff participate in the ‘Dunk the Professor’ and in the ‘Pie the Professor,’ events”
Students who wanted to participate had to pay $5 or donate five canned foods. The campus raised about $250 and more than 100 cans. But the DSGA used the money to buy more canned food and donated it to Community Connections in Delano. “I asked some of my friends what they thought of the event,” said Genel, “and they told me ‘it was great, that’s what we really need in our campus.’ ”
Some of the other events included a cakewalk, a bouncing boxing ring, a chess tournament, and a DJ for two days. The DSGA also gave away free T-shirts for the students who participated.
On May 1 the campus had its annual BC/DC-Renegade Blitz event, which invited the Delano community. In the event, students were able to talk to counselors and register for their classes. This event is held at the end of each semester for the Delano community.
Recently, the DSGA got their constitution and is currently revising the mistakes. Once the constitution has been revised, the BCSGA must approve it and go through the process again. “We are currently focusing on our constitution and our bylaws,” said Genel.
The committee hopes to have their own election by Spring 2010 and be their own SGA by Fall 2010. “As long as we get a yes or no, we will still work as a team,” said Eublera.