In previous semesters, students have been able to look for deals on textbooks from people selling their used books along the walkways near the entrance to the BC Bookstore. This year students have been directed to sell their books in the area in front of the gymnasium.
While this new location does offer more foot traffic from students coming from both of the southern parking lots, many of the people attempting to sell their books are upset about the change.
Rod Woolley, who was selling books for his wife, a BC student, while she was in class, did not understand why the change occurred.
“I’ve sold books in the past, and I don’t know why they moved us here,” he said. “I don’t like it.”
Woolley said that the books were not selling in the new location. “When people are walking by here, they aren’t thinking about buying books,” he said. “They are heading to class or out to their cars.”
Others speculated the move might have been at the request of the BC Bookstore. “They [the bookstore] are afraid we are going to sell more books than them,” said Melvin Villali.
Athletic Director Jan Stuebbe, who is also serving as acting dean of students, stated that the BC Bookstore had nothing to do with the change in location. He explained that the decision was made by administrators in an effort to keep the area around the bookstore from becoming overcrowded.
“Looking at the large enrollment figures we are facing, the administrators were worried about having all those students in such a small area,” he said.
Used book sales moved
September 9, 2009