Bakersfield College may be losing a geology professor in June, but at the Board of Trustees meeting held at the BC Levan Center for the Humanities on April 8, students stood at the podium to speak on behalf of Natalie Bursztyn.
Bursztyn was seen crying during the meeting because of the support of her students, and the sentiment they were showing the board with their comments.
Miranda Slaydon, geology major at BC, conveyed her feelings regarding Bursztyn’s situation directly to the Kern Community College District’s board members during the public comment session of the meeting.
“Professor Bursztyn has a reputation for being an unforgettable geology professor,” she said. “Is this the example that KCCD is setting? Is this the lesson they wish us to learn? I think not.”
Bursztyn is not a citizen of the United States, but of Canada, and she has been teaching at BC for the last five years under an employer-sponsored work visa and does have tenure. The cost of her work visa is $2000 annually and, according to Bursztyn’s comments to the board, her situation isn’t a new issue.
“This has happened in the past, where the board has been close to being late in paying my work visa fee,” she said. “It’s only $2000.”
According to Jack Hernandez, director of the new Levan Center, BC will lose one of the best professors BC has ever had if the fee is not paid, which would force Bursztyn to return home.
“She is a fantastic professor, and it will be a huge blow to the college to lose such a talent,” he said. “I hope a resolution can be found that will enable her to remain on campus and continue doing what she loves.”
Rick Brantley, mathematics professor and van driver for Bursztyn’s field trips, said during the meeting, “It’s only $2000, pay the damn money.”
Several interruptions were made during the public comment session, including one from Board Chancellor Sandra Serrano.
“I am not aware of what this particular issue is,” said Serrano. However, general counsel Frank Ronich spoke about the matter being a personnel issue.
“We’ve already received legal correspondence about this issue,” he said. “This is a personnel matter and I strongly recommend that the board make no comment or have no reaction to this issue at all, and that it be referred directly to legal counsel.”
In an email received from Bursztyn on April 13, she indicated that negotiations are underway with the district.
“KCCD called my lawyer on Monday [April 12],” she said. “Lines of communication have finally opened.”
According to Bursztyn on April 19, no headway has been made yet.
“Since this morning, I haven’t heard anything more.”