Due to violations of the Bakersfield College Game Room regulations, specifically concerning food consumption, the lounge has been closed since Feb. 28, and will not be accessible to students again until proper security is ensured.
“As the Student Body President I witnessed people eating numerous times and stated there was no food or drinks allowed in the game room,” said Student Government Association President Lisa English. “Some of the students were the same students I had asked the previous day to not eat in the game room.”
Upon visiting the room, English said she saw food wrappers, crushed soda cans, food smeared along tables and spilled drinks. The closing of the room was finalized by Dean of Students Joyce Coleman, and has no set date for reopening.
Kevin Workman, Digital Art student and user of the game room, was present the day the room was closed and said, “I was bummed a little bit, but it’s more the fact that they wasted $10k to build something that’s an extension of the cafeteria that people can’t eat in, and then just shut it down.”
English said in regards to room’s current inaccessibility, “The closing is not permanent. We are looking into installing security cameras.”
Waiting on approval from BC’s Maintenance and Operations Department, English says that the cameras will allow them to observe the students who are breaking the rules and “making it a bad situation for everyone else.” As for ensuring and enforcing the room’s rules English said, “The Student Government checks the game room when they can; however, we should not have to be babysitters [when] the signs state no food or drinks.”
Once cameras are installed the game room will be reopened.