A Small note from the editors regarding the new Rip design
March 15, 2019

The Renegade mascot.
As times are evolving, The Renegade Rip is also evolving.
We have decided that our previous design was not taking full advantage of our beautiful school colors or our mascot, the Bakersfield College Renegade.
Our hope is that with a fresh design we can bring in more readers through the use of strong, bright colors and a fun, newspaper themed renegade mascot.
Our staff puts in a lot of hard work here at The Rip, and we want to make sure our stories are read. Hopefully, our new front page design reflects our dedication to bringing our readers the best we have to offer and our dedication to journalism as a whole.
Our photo and features editors are hard at work trying to maintain a lively full-color centerfold. The color pages we do have are being used to showcase the athletism by our student-athletes.
Bakersfield College and the city of Bakersfield has lots to offer and we are pushing for more diverse stories with voices that need to be heard. We encourage our readers to have an open mind while reading The Rip.
Leave us any thoughts or comments on our new look on our social media accounts.
Thank you for reading The Rip.
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Facebook: The Renegade Rip
Twitter and Instagram: bc_rip
-spring 2019 editors