The Kern County Fair to return for the second year in a row following the pandemic
September 16, 2022
The Kern County Fair is set to re-open on Sept. 21 to all visitors.
As they begin to prepare for the second year of opening after the pandemic in 2020, spokeswoman Chelsey Roberts explained that some of the attractions that weren’t available last year will be making a comeback.
This includes the petting farm and a new show known as the Paul Bunyan Lumberjack show.

One question that lingers many minds of visitors is how safe it is to ride the roller coasters and how well designed they are.
To get a closer look at how they prevent tragedies from occurring, Roberts stated, “We work with one of the best carnival providers in the industry. They have been in business for over 50 years. Their staff is trained to keep our guests safe and to make sure that all of those riding the rides are following the rules to help keep them safe as well.”
There are a range of rides and attractions for all interests including five stages of free entertainment, three monster truck shows, and three rodeos.
They also offer family fun entertainment such as racing pigs, racing ducks and stunt dogs.
Aside from the attractions, many gather to try many of the eats that are offered. Including BBQ, pizza and desserts. According to Roberts, the Old West Cinnamon Rolls are a crowd favorite.
The Kern County Fair recognizes a couple different groups of people by offering free entry on specific dates.

Special Friends Day is Sept. 22, which allows all special needs kids and their caregivers to enter free.
Senior day is Sept. 23, and they are offering free admission for those ages 62 and above.
Feed the Need is Sept 25. In order to get in free, you must bring six or more cans of food.
Pint for a Pass is an ongoing free entry for those who choose to donate blood.
The last day to check out the fair is Oct. 2, which is open Monday through Sunday with different opening hours on the weekends.