As students returned to the Bakersfield College campus for the spring semester on Jan. 16, they were met with no doors or windows in the Language Arts building. The Language Arts building has been undergoing construction recently. After the first day of the semester, some fencing was put on the second floor to provide safety from the open space that only had a low rail of protection while heavy rain and strong winds were occurring. Since then, panels of new tinted glass have been put in place and the doors have been put back, but the front is still not finished and wire hangs from the door and ceilings uncovered.
The project has seen some delays according to Maintenance and Operations who stated that the project would be finished by Jan. 15, but despite multiple attempts to contact Justin Berhow, Bakersfield College’s Director of Maintenance and Operation, The Renegade Rip was unfortunately unable to get any information at the time of publishing.