Being a college student consists of many hours of homework and studying. Work and family also makes time scarce.
But being busy does not mean I’ve resorted to being messy or careless. However, I often observe others like myself exhibiting sloppy behavior at BC and I’m annoyed.
When I arrive on campus around 7:30 a.m. the campus is clean. The classrooms, the bathrooms and the rest of campus have yet to be covered with students’ waste.
I’ve noticed that as soon as the college becomes active with rushing students that the campus transforms. The campus center becomes littered with garbage, toilet paper covers the bathroom floors and the classrooms are now being used as student’s trashcans.
Yes, we are all very busy with getting to class, studying and the occasional conversation with classmates or friends, but we all have time to pick up after ourselves.
It doesn’t take much effort to pick up trash and put it in the trashcan. I know the students’ campus lives aren’t so demanding that they can’t take a few seconds to dispose of their trash properly.
Also, it wouldn’t kill a person to just flush the toilet around here, or dispose of the extra toilet paper that fell on the floor unused.
Maybe it’s just me, but attending college usually means we’ve entered adulthood, so why are BC students not acting like adults and picking up after themselves?
It’s not like the trashcans aren’t accessible. Within the campus center I know there are 7 trashcans, and 2 of them right next to each other and yet trash is piled on the tables.
Cigarette butts cover the grounds of the campus and ashbins are located everywhere.
If everyone would just pick up after himself/herself, the campus will look better and everyone will feel a little more Renegade pride, and I’m sure the custodians will appreciate it.
Pick up your trash
February 15, 2006