Before this year’s elections, I used to complain and fuss about the coverage and attention everyone put forth toward elections, but this year I stopped complaining and started to see behind the scenes.
I was asked to cover the Republican Party on election night, Nov. 7, at the old Rockin’ Rodeo and to tell you the truth I was not looking forward to it.
I always thought of Republicans as white, conservative, racist, rich, old people.
However, after experiencing what I did on election night, my views and opinions about Republicans have drastically changed.
Republican and supporters as well as candidates are genuine people.
I was especially amazed at how I was welcomed and how everyone who I talked to was exceptionally nice.
I really felt like I belonged even though I was the only Mexican there. I also patiently waited for someone to come up to me and ask me to refill their drink or to be his or her gardener, but to my surprise that did not happen.
On the contrary, everyone I met there was talkative and very respectful.
Among many of the supporters were Filipinos, African Americans and Native Americans.
There also were young and old people found among the party. Much like America, it was indeed a melting pot.
So, naturally my stereotype of Republicans was completely incorrect.
I also was surprised that they were proud of me because I was a BC student. It was very surreal.
When was the last time that you’ve heard a positive comment about going to BC? Automatically, CSUB is the best, but on this particular night I was mistaken.
Being a BC student was my ticket for unlimited candidate access.
I got to interview Roy Ashburn, Jean Fuller, Kevin McCarthy, Congressman Bill Thomas and they didn’t hesitate to answer my questions.
But most of all, I really got the sense that Bakersfield residents treasure their small community-based morals and values.
Republicans interests are education, children, senior citizens, parks and nice communities, and that seems to be the consensus all through the city of Bakersfield.
This clearly was depicted in the recent elections.
Almost all of the Republicans running for office in Bakersfield won their campaigns. McCarthy, Fuller, Ashburn, and Youngblood were among some of the candidates who were successful on Nov. 7.
The city of Bakersfield is also becoming more and more populated with Republicans, and this in the long run is what will keep Republican candidates successful in Bakersfield. If you can’t beat them, join them! I know I will.
Republican stereotype great myth
November 22, 2006