If you thought there were not enough sins plaguing a person’s soul, then think again, because the Vatican has added seven new deadly sins to the doctrine of the Catholic faith to include polluting, genetic engineering, being obscenely rich, drug dealing, abortion, pedophilia and causing social injustice.
According to the Catholic Church, sins are divided into categories of serious sins, less-serious sins and mortal sins, which threaten the soul with eternal damnation unless a confession is made, and repentance is served.
If that fails to take place before one dies, he or she descends into hell.
I find it ironic that the Catholic Church is bending at social and political issues, especially on the issue of priests abusing small children.
We do not need the Vatican to tell us pedophilia is wrong in order to silence the humiliation the church has suffered involving pedophilia inside the church.
The majority of good-natured people not only find it horrifying; they are disgusted and very well should be. The very church that has decided to make pedophilia a sin is a day late and a few priests short.
It is amazing after 1500 years, the original 7 deadly sins are still applicable today, and this is simply because they are not subjected to political and social changes in society.
However, with the development of the new deadly sins, they all fall within political and social boundaries. For example, the Catholic Church is now decrying pollution as a new deadly sin. Polluting has been around since the beginning of human existence. Humans have always created waste of some sort and type. So why is it a deadly sin now?
Although many politically liberal organizations have declared global warming as the cause for changing weather patterns, global warming has no scientific proof that the cause is completely human-related.
If we examine the scientific evidence, it is apparent global warming and global cooling have been cyclical for billions of years even prior to human existence.
Is it not possible we are entering another period of global warming or simply exiting global cooling?
What exactly is the meaning of being “obscenely rich”?
In America, the majority of citizens are well to do. Even the poor in America live much better and have much better opportunities than the rest of the world’s population.
If you consider the typical yearly income of the average person outside the United States, you see that it is $7,880, and that his or her income is a fraction of the average U.S. citizen’s yearly income. So what does it mean to be obscenely rich? Whose perspective are we to use?
Next, there is the unbeatable war against drug dealing. According to political law in the United States during the 1920s, the sale and consumption of liquor was illegal.
In the United States, alcohol is considered a drug, albeit a legal drug, which can easily be purchased and consumed by any person over the age of 21.
Does the new doctrine adopted by the Catholic Church dictate that grocery stores and bars are now going to be condemned because of the sale of drugs? Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Jesus turn water into wine, according to John 2:1-11?
However, adopting the new interpreted doctrine might be beneficial. With all the environmental forces pushing secularism with its “do it yourself, and you don’t need God” creed, our society continues to degrade into a careless, non-involved, “protect yourself” environment.
Our society might in fact be morally stronger if we were able to adopt some of the new Catholic doctrine.
Political laws are beneficial. In fact, many of the laws in the United States have biblical and moral roots. However, the Catholic Church adding to the seven deadly sins seem only to be politically motivated.
With the decline of the Catholic membership and confession decreasing, the Catholic Church is simply reacting to the decrease of its relevance in today’s society.
The Catholic church adds seven new sins
March 25, 2008