The first of November marks a few different occasions. The nights now begin at 5:30 p.m., kids are getting carted off to the hospital for gorging themselves on copious amounts of candy and in retail, the Christmas season has officially begun.
Some complain that this is too early to begin the holiday season. They say it’s an overdose of Christmas and it ruins the season for them.
I disagree in every way.
The second I’m out and about and I see Christmas decorations, Christmas lights, or any form of Christmas memorabilia, my heart swells 12 times bigger and the 8-year-old who lives inside of me takes over. There are even points when I have to put my hands in my pockets; though not to prevent from breaking things, but from buying things.
I enjoy the two-month holiday season for many reasons. First, I think it brings cheer and generally puts everyone in a better mood. It brings people together and makes them think of what and who they are thankful for and appreciative of, when they don’t normally throughout the year. The decorations that are placed throughout the mall always add a cheerful vibe to the shopping experience and the holiday sales galore make it even better. It also helps remind people that there are many less fortunate than themselves and encourages people to donate their time, money and effort to those who can’t otherwise afford the holiday season.
Holiday food is also an important staple to the season and should definitely continue to start early. As a Starbucks addict, I’m fully aware that they begin making their special holiday drinks Nov. 1 and from that moment, that’s all I order. I love the festive red cups and how every business gears themselves up for the season in their own ways. Grocery stores, bakeries and specialty food stores prepare themselves with delicious looking hams, pies, turkeys, cookies, etc.
I think the two-month holiday season is just the perfect amount of time to celebrate the occasion. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Ramadan, the last two months of the year should be reserved for this cheer that the season brings.
As the weather begins to get colder, we bundle up and gather with friends and family. Everyone has their own special holiday memories and reasons for loving the season. I too, would never replace the numerous memories I have singing Perry Como’s “White Christmas” while decorating the Christmas tree with my mom and brother, or baking holiday goodies with my grandma and younger cousins.
I love that the holiday season begins when it does because for me it starts a countdown until I get to spend time with my family. It’s a chain reaction. Every time I see something holiday related it reminds me that it will only be a short time until I’m home and then leads me to think of the wonderful holiday memories that have occurred over the years. I think that the holiday season is a very special season and should only occur during November, December and maybe the beginning of January. I think any earlier or later than that is excessive and takes away the sincerity of the reason we celebrate the holidays we do.
This season, don’t be a scrooge. Think of all the positives that come out of celebrating the holidays for a month longer and happy christma-hanu-kwanza-kah.