By Nate Perez
America: Where a handful of robber barons helped destroy the economy and got paid for it. Where the wealthiest of all Americans are not properly taxed. Where you can live a lifestyle you can’t afford. Now we have people occupying Wall Street.
The Occupy Wall Street protests now have union support and are acknowledged worldwide. They have gained major momentum since they originally started almost a month ago.
Peaceful protests are occurring in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Cincinnati, Britain, and so forth.
The protesters are made up of different political backgrounds: Anarchists, hippies, Ron Paul supporters, etc.
Basically, these occupy movements may reek of patchouli. That being said, we should all support these protesters.
Some of the protesters list of demands are: for congress to pass HR 1489, they want corporations to stop buying elections, they want the rich and the corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, they want Wall Street criminals to be prosecuted, and so on.
One thing I really like about these protesters is that they’re angry and they’re actually doing something about it.
Most people just complain about the current state affairs, but they’re not willing to sacrifice in order to make change.
One thing I don’t like about the protesters is the way they represent themselves. The whole 99% thing is a bit ridiculous to me.
We get it, you got some crazy art degree and now you can’t be the famous artist you’ve always wanted to be.
All jokes aside, all the pictures of people holding signs on their webcams are really embarrassing.
I feel for them, but I can’t help but cringe when I see them.
Despite what I don’t like about the Occupy Wall Street movement, I do like the message.
They’re angry and they know what they’re fighting for. If you don’t think the wealthiest of all Americans should pay more in taxes something is wrong with you. The tycoons were supposed to create jobs and influence our economy in a good way, but instead they’re hurting us.