By Robin Shin
Online Editor
We all know that finals week is coming up, and this being my last semester at Bakersfield College, I can recall many memories as to how some of the people around me would study for their finals.
I had friends who did the traditional idea of studying alone with the occasional help of their professors.
There were those who created study groups in order to somehow get knowledge together and then there was me, the last minute study person.
There were those who panicked, like me, or there were those who tried to cram it all, like me, or even create the devious plan of cheating their way through, not like me.
As I’ve talked to many professors through the college classes I’ve taken, I have received a lot of advice.
Some of the best advice was to get a good night sleep after studying.
Well let’s just say that I normally can’t sleep when I am physically stressing over the fact that I must pass a certain final in order to pass a certain class.
Then there was other advice, such as study the review sheet after you get it, don’t push it to the end. Now this, I actually followed and at time, gave me the results I wanted for the class.
Then there was the advice I got from my younger sister. She would say things such as gulp down Red Bulls and cram it all up until four in the morning. That is advice I wouldn’t want anyone to take.
I found that if I wanted the best results in a final, it would be best to study the review sheets or even go over your tests and quizzes you got back from the previous weeks and months.
Now I may not be a straight A student, but the best advice and the only advice I rarely took, is to get a good night sleep.
I guess the best way to really put a person in point of view is that, if you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t get your work done right. Have you tried to drive down the I-5 freeway half asleep?
You might have, but that is really life threateningly dangerous. Have you tried to finish a round of capture the flag on the video game “Team Fortress 2” at 4 in the morning with little sleep?
I tried, and failed not only myself, but also my entire team miserably.
Now think of both of those and put it into your finals, there’s no way you can take your final with little sleep.
So as a student who used to dread finals week, cram for finals week and hated finals week, I give advice I got from professors to you, please, sleep well, study hard and I hope that everyone will do well on their finals.