Donald Trump: Yes or No? (Con)
April 5, 2016
Donald Trump is no longer a joke, and it’s time for voters to take this sexist, racist, bigoted, lying, and narcissistic candidate seriously.
Currently, he has won 18 of 30 primaries and has approximately 800 of the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination for President of the United States.
First and foremost, Trump has no knowledge of the Constitution and First Amendment rights. In America, we do not manhandle, curse, threaten, and belittle individuals who chose to exercise this right. Personally, I feel he could benefit from a political science 101 course.
Trump’s sexist attitude began long before he became a candidate. When he was interviewed in 1991 about his negative business practices, he responded by saying, “It doesn’t really matter what the media writes about you, as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass with you,” referring to women.
In his book, “Trump: The Art of the Comeback,” he said, “All women hate prenuptial agreements because all of them are gold diggers.” Trump also referred to women as the best “actors” in the world. He said the smart ones act feminine and needy, but inside they’re real killers.
In an interview with Larry King, when asked about his friendship with the late Princess Diana, Trump said, “I would have no problem sleeping with her. She was the right height, had beautiful skin, and she was a beautiful woman.”
His most recent sexist remark was addressed to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Trump said President Clinton’s infidelity was caused by Hillary’s inability to “satisfy” her husband.
Trump’s world consists of lily-white, conservative men, and no one is exempt from his racial slurs. He has no concept of diversity. On the campaign trail, he has referred to Hispanics as murderers, rapists and drug dealers. His political agenda consists of deporting 11 million Hispanics back to Mexico and building a wall to keep them there.
Trump has no love for African Americans as well. After all, according to Trump, they are killers of white males, drug dealers, and black males and females are lazy and on welfare. Trump identifies American-born Muslims as radical and members of ISIS. He has said, “We need to keep them under control.” He proposes to keep them under surveillance, invade their privacy, and deny them the right to assemble. Americans expect our president to uphold the Constitution, be truthful, and to possess integrity and diplomacy. Trump has none of these qualities.
He is the biggest liar and exaggerator in the world. Trump is incapable of telling the truth, even if life depended on it. He’s consistently told his supporters he’s not accepting money from any outside donors, but that’s a lie. Trump has a super PAC. Trump has stated on numerous occasions that the U.S. has a $500 billion trade deficit with China. That’s also a lie. He says he’s popular with Blacks and Hispanics and they love him. That’s a lie. Trump’s political agenda differs minute to minute. When journalists ask questions regarding his agenda or disagree with him, Trump belittles them and asks them to leave. If a private citizen confronts or disagrees with Trump, he has them thrown out of his rallies.
Wake up, voters. Trump is not what America stands for. We are a nation that embraces diversity. Our belief is every individual, no matter what their race, gender, sexual or religious preference, has the right to exercise their First Amendment rights without retaliation.
Fellow voters, I urge you not to vote for Donald Trump. Reject him on Election Day. To elect Donald Trump for President of the U.S. would be self-inflicted disaster.
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:31 am
If you think Trump is a racist who sees any color other than green, you might be a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Take a look at his life and career; he has always hired, worked with, and supported people of all walks of life. Furthermore, Illegal immigrants and Muslims are not races. Muslims are great people; unfortunately, the terrorists we are at war with are a small sect within that group, so while the idea of being extra vigilant about vetting new immigrants from that group is regrettable, it would also be prudent for our own safety. The big exploiters love having their puppets use labels of racism to tear down people they don’t control (Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Trump, etc); don’t fall for it!
If you think Megyn Kelly isn’t an exploiter (establishment) tool who tried to take down Trump, and you think Trump is a misogynist because of the bloodlust comments he made regarding her (while making bloodlust comments about Chris Wallace at the same time) then you might be a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Trump states “I’m just oblivious to a person’s gender” when dealing with people, and it is obvious that he takes on opponents of any shape, size, color, and gender in a similar fashion.
If you think Trump is an isolationist because he wants fair trade, you might be a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. “Free-trade” comes at a huge cost to workers in developed countries! The end result is that America will produce nothing and will provide no services outside our borders because services and products will always be cheaper from poorer countries. Anyone who says anything else concerning free-trade is either lying, or is completely clueless. American middle class workers can only survive and thrive with “FAIR-trade.”
90% of the cocaine in America comes through our southern border; 80% of the meth and heroin in America also comes through our southern border! If you think Trump, who continually says “I love Mexican people,” is a xenophobe because he wants to secure our southern border, you might be a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Trump’s negative comments were targeted at a subset of illegal immigrants (which he has clarified many times); NOT Mexicans! Illegal immigration is destroying our society (illegal immigrant children are almost always below grade level so teachers have to spend most of their time teaching at that level, which hurts our children; illegal immigration keeps wages low; and the drugs from south of our border are ruining our children’s lives).
If you think Trump wants to punish women for having abortions, you might be a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. Trump said he made a gaffe during a convoluted conversation involving a hypothetical situation. He has clarified that in the real world he would like to see abortion regulations left up to each state. Making gaffes is human, and having a politician willing to engage in “off the cuff” conversations without consulting an army of advisers beforehand is refreshing.
If you think Trump is ignorant because he thinks it might be more pragmatic for Japan to have a nuke rather than having 54,000 U.S. troops stationed there at our expense, you might be a gullible fool subject to exploiter-funded media influence. The simple fact is that nothing ensures sovereignty like having a nuke. No country with a nuke has been or ever will be invaded. We would have never invaded Iraq if they had a nuke; in fact, the best evidence that we knew they didn’t really have any WMDs was the fact we invaded them. The 54,000 troops we have in Japan are absolutely no deterrent for North Korea, China, or anyone else; what deters them is the fact we have nukes. Furthermore, what would happen to Japan if they can’t defend themselves and we go bankrupt over the next decade or so?
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:32 am
Trump has benefited from a corrupt system and understands what must be done to fix it. It would be far easier for him to just continue buying politicians if he wanted to keep taking advantage rather than running for POTUS. As such, I have to believe he actually wants to help America more than he wants to continue taking advantage. He made his riches and now I think he wants to focus on his legacy, and wants to be remembered for righting America’s ship (who cares if that’s ego driven; I would happily help build him a statue if he succeeds). Consequently, those who want to continue exploiting are scared and doing everything they can to stop him; they are even hiring clueless tools through craigslist to go to his rallies and hold up a “Trump is a racist” sign while yelling at his supporters for $16 per hour.
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:30 am
The following message is brought to you by Puppets for the Establishment Parasites (PEP), who want to encourage you to let them finish off America so they can move on to their next host…
“You let us get this far…throw the red pill in the trash; stop trying to struggle against the hypnosis now and let us take the last few drops of blood…it will all be over soon”
“And please remember that free trade helps America; illegal immigration helps America; policing the world is America’s moral obligation; super PACs are free speech to help poor unwitting candidates; there are no paid protesters; the news media we fund is unbiased; lobbyists are good; politicians and bureaucrats cannot be bought; your election process is not rigged; those idiotic concerns about the debt and bubbles are unfounded; our education system is the best; your privacy is always protected; the war in Iraq was necessary; Russia is evil; your government listens to you…anyone who disagrees with this reality is a lying, xenophobic, isolationist, ignorant, fascist, misogynistic, racist, nutjob!”
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:30 am
One of the reasons I support both Trump and Sanders is in the hopes that Americans become more privy to the corruption we have. When party activists in Colorado can choose delegates without any input from the voters, and those activists are establishment supporters, there is nothing that will persuade those activists to pick any delegates who support an insurgent candidate. The entire process is designed to stop insurgent candidates (which is what Trump is).
Of course, the exploiter-funded pundits who call Trump a “whiner” and a “loser” because he didn’t get any of the Colorado delegates fail to mention that Trump never had a chance to get any of them in the first place as an insurgent. The rigged process helps to ensure America’s exploiters maintain power. The exploiter-funded media puppets are saying that what happened was perfectly fine because the committee rules enabled them to cancel their election from the outset and then give the delegates to whomever they wanted (RIP democracy).
If Kasich had been the viable anti-insurgent candidate rather than Cruz, they would have given Kasich all of the Colorado delegates instead of Cruz. Despite that, Cruz is trying to convince people that it was his “superior organization” that deprived Trump and Kasich of getting even a single delegate…LOL. Three cheers for America, our exploiter-controlled media, our rigged election process, our two-faced politicians, and the ignorant people who don’t question any of it!
Here’s a video from a Colorado delegate ejected from the process because he supported Trump:
And another video of more Colorado delegates explaining how they were kicked to the curb because they supported Trump:
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:28 am
Super-PACs MUST be banned! They give a few wealthy exploiters the ability to shape our entire political system; they allow for absurdly unequal representation! The people and corporations funding these PACs have acquired their wealth from selling out America through political favors, endless wars, unfair trade deals, exploiting foreign labor, exploiting illegal labor within our borders, creating insurmountable debt for our children, and maintaining a rigged election process that ensures nothing will change. Super-PACs are a direct conflict of interest and an absolute corrupting force!
In my opinion, any candidate who doesn’t demand their super-PACs disband in the name of democracy and the people is a flat out TRAITOR to America! Exploiter puppets Clinton and Cruz will never do this like Trump and Sanders have; instead, they will continue feigning powerlessness and ignorance regarding super-PACs. Anyone who votes for these two-faced lawyers is voting to continue selling out America!
If someone with Trump’s resources can’t run without being shredded by exploiter-funded super-PACs and media pundits, how does someone like me or you have a chance? The answer is that, unless we are lackeys like Clinton and Cruz, whom those same exploiters also fund, we don’t! The process is rigged; you can watch a great example of how the media takes things out of context and falsely demonizes non-controlled candidates like Trump by searching for and viewing “The Untruth about Donald Trump” video.
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:29 am
Here is a quote identifying just one of the methods candidates use to coordinate with super PACs…
“Many of the super PACs and the campaigns are run by a revolving door of close friends and staffers, ensuring that the two sides share a common playbook even when they avoid tripping over the vague Federal Election Commission rules banning coordination…One Democratic commissioner at the FEC said that she is ‘very concerned’ about the growing influence of super PACs and frustrated about the inability of her agency to do anything about it.”
gary2278 • May 3, 2016 at 1:27 am
People make gaffes, but most of the Trump quotes in this article were said in a joking manner by Trump. That’s one of my biggest gripes with the media is that they will focus on a quote and almost always fail to provide the context.
There were some super PACs that formed for Trump last year but he sent them all cease and desist letters to shut them down. You will NEVER see Hillary or Cruz do that! Look at all of the pro-Trump super PACs that existed and you will see they all spent $0 in 2016; not a single dollar was spent by a super-PAC in support of Trump in 2016!
Eula Nelson • Apr 11, 2016 at 10:00 am
I agree with the writer of this article, Mr. Trump want to ” Make America Great Again” is insulting to some people who believe America is great but also believe that it can be Greater. I do not want to go back to the Good Old Days of “Separate but Equal, White/Colored Drinking Fountains (WHITE ONLY) Second rated schools… I could continue with this I will suggest the followers of Mr. Trump and other Republicans and some Democrats internalize the TAG ” Make America Great Again”