Review: “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down” By Haemin Sunim

Angeles Mendez, Reporter

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down is a book on how to be calm and mindful in a fast-paced world written by Haemin Sunim. In the book Sunim covers different chapters in which he offers his advice to readers on how to be at peace with yourself or more specifically said, to be at peace with your mind.

 In one chapter he suggests rest, “When your mind rests, the world also rests”. The world is experienced and looked over as a reflection of one’s state of mind, however, you view things to be at the present time that is going to reflect how your world resembles. Whether one views their life as happy, peaceful, or as a struggle Sunim suggests viewing your situation in the eye of being content

“If we know how to be content, we can relax our endless striving and welcome serenity,” Sunim said. It is humane to rest when doubts storm through one’s life rather than dwelling on the idea that there is no solution because the most affectable solution is time. 

Critiques often define that whoever they have their eye on has caught their attention, so they must be doing something right in order to have the observation of critiques “…have courage and continue down the path you’re on” Sunim said. 

Throughout the book, it is recommended that humor fills one’s life because having humor represents being happy, being open, and having joy which attracts like-minded people. However, Sunim brings up the fact that a person can also be filled with negative emotions such as jealousy, hate, or annoyance, and when these emotions are identified it is always good to be calm and find the root cause of it rather than reacting emotionally. 

“If you want revenge because your feelings are hurt, all you can see is your own suffering,”  Sunim said. No person is always good, everyone has their let downs and when a person stops and realizes these things, they too realize that their act of betrayal or let down is most often caused by their own sufferings. 

 “But if you calm yourself and look more deeply, you will see that the person who hurt you is suffering, too,” he said. 

Sunim explains throughout the book that however a person begins to understand the acts of others, good and bad, their understandings of them represent their persona because one who is quick to judge others fails to see their own mistakes or flaws.