Horror movie lovers, this might be the one for you. The Nun 2 just came out in theaters and is trending as the number one movie out now.
If you aren’t familiar with The Nun and never watched the first one, The Nun is a part of a big movie series that connects with The Conjuring and Annabelle series. The Conjuring and Annabelle is one of the best modern day horror movie series and very popular, especially since they were based on true stories, which adds to its scare factor.

Although The Nun isn’t based on a true story like The Conjuring and Annabelle series, the directors adding a demonic Nun into the series was to branch the gap between the two other movie franchises. The Nun both grabs the audience’s attention and offers pure horror and evil to enjoy especially for scary movie freaks.
The Nun 2 has a similar story and feel as the first film except for taking place mainly in a boarding school in France, not so much the Saint Cartha’s monastery. This isn’t a bad thing however, as the movie still succeeds in being scary. The Nun 2 also has two characters from the first one return, Sister Irene and Maurice.
The movie starts off fast with a gory and demonic scene that leads to a mysterious death in a monastery. An investigation is led by Sister Irene along with another Sister from the boarding school.
As the investigation progresses back at the monastery, weird stuff begins to occur back at the boarding school in France while the Sisters were gone caused by, you guessed it, The Nun. Which leads to further scares, horror, and entertainment with great intensity.
Overall, if you are a horror addict, this movie is absolutely worth your time. Not only is the horror aspect enjoyable, but the connections the film has with other series will get you excited for future releases.