“Dune: Part Two” is the second installment into the Dune franchise directed by famous director Denis Villeneuve, which just hit theaters this Friday following a gigantic hype train from many film critics and famous directors, even Christopher Nolan who made the biggest movie of 2023 claiming this movie to be “The next Empire Strike Back.” The question everyone was asking up to release date was will this movie live up to the hype? To answer that question simply, yes.
The Lisan al Gaib, the Mahdi, the Maud’Dib, are all monikers for the savior of Arrakis, but what if the savior does not want to follow his destiny out of fear for what is to come, and is it possible for him to escape this path or will he succumb and be a slave to fate. This is the story of Pual “Maud’Dib” Atredies, Duke of Arrakis.
The movie contains many newer young actors such as Timothée Chalamet as Paul, Zendaya as his lover Chani, and Austin Butler as one of the main villains Feyd-Rautha. This movie is essentially the magnum opus of all of these actors careers, it would not be wrong to say that this could very well be Chalamet’s best performance of his life as he plays an unwilling messiah on a path to free the people of Arrakis and get his own revenge.
The most notable acting in this was from Austin Butler who many may know from his portrayal as Elvis Presley in “Elvis”. His performance as a psychopathic killer left many viewers stunned because it is a whole new way we have never seen Butler act before which caused him to steal most of the show, not to forget his terrifying appearance which played into this.
From the amazing cinematography portraying many beautiful scenes of the desert planet Arrakis, the intense fight scenes that will keep you clenched to your seat, and the overall heart wrenching story you must watch as this young man tries to avenge his father but also change the whole universe.
This movie will be the next generations “Lord of the Rings” and “Star Wars” and will be looked back upon as one of the largest film franchises ever. The grand scale of what is happening right now is cinema history and it is not something you will want to miss out on. Don’t be afraid of the history that is happening right before us because you must remember, “Fear is the mindkiller.”