The Bakersfield Condors hockey team is about more than making goals and shooting the puck. It’s about reaching out to fans.
The Condors aren’t just a hockey team that people only get to see when they’re playing on the ice, but they’re a team that reaches out to the community.
According to fans, this is what makes them such a great team.
Nicole Rice a fan of the Condors for 10 years, said, “They’re very fan-orientated, they say “hi” to you.”
Another fan, Butch Swen said, “They’re down to earth players. They don’t single people out. The Condors interact and make you feel like part of them.”
Many Condors fans have season tickets.
“I come to all the games, I have season tickets” Swen said, “I haven’t missed a game,” said Velma Boman.
Fans say they come to the games because it’s exciting, and they get to see their favorite players.
“I like coming to the games because I get to hang out with my friends and see the players, Todd Griffith is my favorite,” said Stephanie Schnitker.
A younger Condor fan dressed in a condor jersey and Condor player buttons, Oksana Swen, excitedly said, “I like seeing the fights, arguments, goals, and being able to interact with them.”
The Condors have one of the highest attendance records for regular events in Bakersfield, according to Condors defenseman Scot Balan.
Balan stated that he loves his fans because “they’re loud and loyal.” This is what makes home games different from out of town games “without the fans, the atmosphere is different. The rank isn’t the same, so there is less energy.”
He also said this is what makes being a Condor great. “The community is good, fans and city is good, it’s all I can ask for,” he said.
Condors reach out
March 7, 2007