The Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania is nothing short of “phenom”enal
March 25, 2019
When I hear the phrase “WWE legend,” the name that first comes to my mind is The Undertaker. He is easily one of the most memorable superstars in the history of the business.
The Undertaker debuted in 1990 at one of WWE’s “big four” pay per views named Survivor Series. The landscape of the company would never be the same once he stepped foot into a WrestleMania ring.
The Undertaker is widely known for his lengthy WrestleMania streak that unfortunately came to an end to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30 in 2014. Before his devastating loss that night, he was 21-0. That means that he won 21 WrestleMania matches in a row against legends of all types.
Currently, he is 24-2 at WrestleMania since WrestleMania 7 in 1991. For faithful wrestling fans alike, his losses are truly heartbreaking knowing how respected Undertaker is in the business; however, let’s focus on some of the greatest WrestleMania matches he and his opponents have ever put on.
Undertaker went against Kevin Nash, aka “Big Daddy Cool” Diesel at WrestleMania 12 in 1996 and Nash put ‘Taker to the test. Vince McMahon, the owner of the WWE, said it himself.
“No one has been able to dominate [Undertaker] quite like “Big Daddy Cool” Diesel,” McMahon said on commentary that night.
Despite dominating ‘Taker throughout the match, things took a turn for the worst for Nash when ‘Taker scooped him up and performed a Tombstone Piledriver on Nash to secure the win and continue his undefeated streak.
It was WrestleMania 14 in 1998 when ‘Taker went face-to-face with his brother Kane. Towards the end of this hellacious match, Kane gave ‘Taker a taste of his own medicine by using ‘Taker’s own finisher on him in an attempt to end the match, but ‘Taker kicked out much to Kane’s dismay.
Eventually, Undertaker pinned Kane after performing the Tombstone Piledriver on him and Undertaker went 8-0.

Now if we skip ahead to 2009, Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25 was a classic. The match has been considered the greatest WrestleMania match of all time and that’s really saying something.
The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels have always had great chemistry in the ring and the story behind the match was a mix of awesome. It was Heaven vs. Hell, God vs. the Devil, Good vs. Evil.
Michaels came out dressed in white descending from above the stage with white mist surrounding him to fulfill the character of being the Good. Undertaker, on the other hand, was dressed all in black as the fire raged from the stage and the arena darkened dramatically.
There was a part of the match that is showed in WWE video packages still to this day.
About halfway through the match, Shawn Michaels was stood outside the ring to try to and catch a breath as ‘Taker prepared himself in the ring to run out, jump over the top rope, and land right on Michaels. However, Michaels grabbed a cameraman and shoved him so that Undertaker would land on him instead.
The crowd erupted in shock as the cameraman was taken about by Undertaker. Jim Ross, legendary WWE commentator, hysterically called the moment which added to the excitement for us watching on television.
Undertaker and Triple H’s Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 28 was nothing short of incredible. The story those two performers told in the ring will be remembered for the rest of time. Through chair shots, sledgehammer shots, finishers, and just an all-out brawl, they made the crowd emotional.
I only provided a glimpse of these matches so I encourage any wrestling fan to go back and watch these historic Undertaker WrestleMania matches.