BC women’s soccer dominates College of the Sequoias
Makenna Ramirez (3), Maya Ornalez (14), Andrea Campos (22) and Aurora Fernandez (1) warming up for the game.
September 20, 2019
The women’s soccer team will remember this home game, the first one of the season, Sept. 6, against the College of Sequoias (COS). The Renegade women played their way through the entire game with strong energy and worked as a team to dominate on the field.
Lots of obstacles were thrown at the Renegades but they pushed their hardest to win the game, coming out on top to end the game with a score of 1-0.
During the first half, the Renegades strived to score goals against the opposing team. COS tried their best to score, but with every shot taken at the goal, BC player Aurora Fernandez blocked them.
When the first half came to an end, the score for the game was still 0-0. The team came onto the sidelines with the coaches to get pointers for the game.
As half time ended, the teams started the second half with a push to score a goal to beat COS. The team flew across the field in the second half as their teammates cheered them on from the sidelines.
Hearing the chants and support of their teammates, the Gades seemed to push harder and strive for their first goal. After ten more minutes, they called for a break in the 100-degree weather.
The Gades pushed forth across the field and worked as a team to not tie or lose the game. At 75-minutes, number 9, Emily Lostetter, scored a goal against COS and gave the team a lead into the game. With a score 1-0, the Gades team did not rest as they tried to score once again. Time ran out and the game ended with the Gades gaining their first win of the season.
With the victory, the girls celebrated together on the field at the end of the game.
As the head coach of the team, Scott Dameron, said, “The girls deserve to celebrate this win and will work to be greater on Monday.”