KHSD welcomes the return of in-person sports
The Centennial High School Junior Varsity football coaches signing in students for their first in person meeting on March 1. (Photo shot by Alexis Delgadillo.)
March 12, 2021
The Kern High School District (KHSD) has welcomed the return of in-person sports. March 1 was the first day students were able to start practicing on campus for some of the sports.
On Feb. 17 the Kern High Network, the official network for athletics in the KHSD, released a statement on Twitter in regards to the return of sports.
“Today the KHSD Board voted on a return to KHSD Athletics. The board approved a return of the following sport: Boys/Girls Golf, Boys/Girls Tennis, Boys/Girls Swim, Track and Field, Baseball, and Softball.”
“I’m really excited to start playing baseball again. I’ve been pretty bored at home but I can’t wait to start training with my team again. I was sad last season was cut short but now I’m just grateful we are able to start practicing again considering football and other fall sports couldn’t,” Centennial high school Junior baseball player, P.J. Alamillo stated.
Football was later added to the list of sports that were able to start again even though it’s not their typical season. The Kern High Network even released the 2021 football season schedule that will include 5 weeks of games played between schools within the district. However, some other sports have not been welcomed back. Volleyball, basketball, wrestling, and cheerleading start date remains up in the air while the other sports begin in the district.
“I was hoping to be able to start practicing again like the other sports, even just conditioning would be better than nothing. I miss getting to play with my teammates and I think I took seeing them all the time for granted. I’m just sad that basically everyone else gets to go back and have a season but us. I especially feel bad for our seniors who might not get to play their last year.” Centennial high school sophomore volleyball player, Allie Molhook stated.
With the return of in-person athletic events being held at the high schools questions of when in-person learning will resume are being asked. Schools across the nation have already been having in-person classes and sporting events so as California begins to open up more students and parents remain hopeful that students will be able to return to campus soon.
According to the Kern County Public Health Services Department website, there are currently 104,242 COVID-19 total resident cases, 37,012 recovered residents, and 942 total Kern resident deaths.