The Bakersfield College football team bounced back this season by securing a win against the Long Beach Vikings on Sept. 9, with a final score of 29-27.
After their last game against the Golden West Rustlers with an ending score of 48-23 BC came back stronger for their first home game of the season.
The first quarter started rocky as the Vikings had scored a touchdown starting the game off at 7-0 but with 3 minutes and 26 seconds left on the clock Carson woods and Jalen Hankin’s pushed harder. Scoring a touchdown and Bradyn Ornelaz sending the ball rocketing into the goal post had settled the score 7-7. After a crushing punt, made by Noe Estrada, resulted in the loss of 8 yards the Vikings had scored a touchdown resulting in a 14-7 score board.
In the second Quarter, Carson Woods completed a pass to Jalen Hankins resulting in another touchdown for the Renegades. When the kick attempt made by Bradyn Ornelaz failed it still put the gades at a comfortable score of 13 to 14 at half time.

During 3rd Quarter the Vikings had put themselves ahead by another touchdown on the 3rd and 16 line putting them at 21 pts. As the gades worked their way down the field, Joseph Campbell guns for it at the one-yard line, resulting in a touchdown for the Renegades.
An incomplete kick puts the score for Long Beach Vikings 21 and Bakersfield 19 for the final quarter. As the ‘gades put up a good fight, a field goal and Will Madonna’s pass being snatched by David Stevenson put that ‘gades at 29 pts. As the Vikings rush attempt failed after scoring a touchdown, Bakersfield college fans celebrated as the timer ran down resulting in the first win of the season for the Bakersfield College football game.