BCSGA hosts the first Churros with President Pulido

Mariah Arviso, Reporter

The Bakersfield College Student Government Association, (BCSGA), held a town hall meeting at BC, on Jan.27.

The purpose of the meeting was to not only interact with other students, but also to have students take a survey. The survey asked questions about the issues of transportation, and how the students are dealing with these issues.

Samantha Pulido is president of all BC campuses including, Delano, Southwest, and the main campus. BCSGA has many benefits for the students because it “gives an opportunity for students to voice problems they experience on campus,” said Pulido.

Students have a huge impact on the campus, and this association has given them the chance to experience their full potential.

In order to get involved with BCSGA, it is a rather simple process. According to President Pulido, everyone in the student body prefers, those that want to be involved talk directly to the members of BCSGA so that they’ll be able to “put a face to an application that they’ll fill out online.”  Pulido wants to encourage more students to get involved.

There are many positions that students can apply for. One of the most needed positions are Senators, or student representatives. These potions usually get filled throughout the school year because of the low election rates. Students that apply will be able be involved in senator debates as well as executive debates depending on the position applied for.

There are town hall meetings every month that students are encouraged to attend. Students can file for elections on the BC websites starting Feb. and the last day to file is March.